How to navigate
Click the link above to access all past papers from Edexcel
Key Info:
You are studying:
Pearson Edexcel GCSE: History (9–1) from 2016
For sample papers [SAMs]:
Click 'specification and sample assessment materials' under 'categories'
For past papers 2018-2020:
Click 'exam materials' under 'categories'
For every past paper, you can access:
1. The question paper
2. The mark scheme
3. Model answers [in the 'Examiner Report']
Key Info:
You are studying:
Pearson Edexcel GCSE: History (9–1) from 2016
For sample papers [SAMs]:
Click 'specification and sample assessment materials' under 'categories'
For past papers 2018-2020:
Click 'exam materials' under 'categories'
For every past paper, you can access:
1. The question paper
2. The mark scheme
3. Model answers [in the 'Examiner Report']